Anita Inspires

Your Words Have Power & Postive Affirmations

Anita Fonteboa Episode 2

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Title:  Your Words Have Power

You know your words hold an immense power. They shape your reality and influence your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. How can we harness the power of our words to create positive change?  Listen to find out the answers.

Shift your mindset from a perspective of lack, where you believe there is limited abundance, to one of abundance, where you recognize ample prosperity. You call positivity into your life, which will shift your life.

The journals are not available at the moment. Will advise once it is.

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Welcome to Anita Inspires. This podcast will motivate and inspire you to be better with author and host, Anita Fonteboa. Hi everyone and welcome back to Anita Inspires. In today's episode, we are gonna delve into your words, have powers and the use of positive affirmations. So how do your words shape your reality and impact your lives? That's easy. You know your words hold an immense power. They shape your reality and influence your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Now, how can we harness the power of our words to create positive change? By using positive affirmations, we can reprogram our sub subconscious mind and align our thoughts with our desires. The key is to be intentional and choose words that empower, inspire and uplift us. Now, from my experience, I've heard Joel Osteen touch upon this, Marissa Peer, and also on the Mindvalley app, on this theme about how your words have powers. Each of them states the obvious. No one seems to grasp your words have power. How you use them is very important because when you say positive things, you attract positive things. When you say negative things, that's what you're gonna attract. Now, in this theme, we're gonna touch upon several topics and how the words have powers including positive affirmations. Now in this topic, we're gonna touch upon the harmful effects of bullying and how hurtful words from bullies impact children and adults' self-esteem. Well, the words are hurtful. Bullies use that, and it causes a devastating impact to adults and to children's well-being and self-esteem. Now, what are some examples of hurtful words? Well, they can be as simple as, you're stupid, or you can't do that, or No one loves you. You know when you use all of these terms, you know, it really, I. Downgrades you. It makes you feel worthless. Now, how can using positive affirmations help counteract the effects of bullying? Well, I'm gonna touch upon it with an adult in one section and kids in the next. So first up is adults positive affirmation helps adults build resilience and strengthens their self-esteem and facing of bullying. When adults consistently repeat affirmations, they're reinforcing their self-worth and inner strength. They're reprogramming their subconscious mind. This process helps them develop a more positive mindset, allowing them to counteract the negative messages and regain their confidence. Positive affirmations serves as a reminder of their inherent value and help them believe in their abilities, making it easier to face and overcome the impact of bullying. Now we're gonna touch upon how positive affirmations helps children. It plays a crucial role in empowering kids and helping them navigate the effects of bullying by regularly practicing positive affirmations. Children cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and self-belief. Affirmations serve as a shield against the hurtful words and actions of bully, reminding children of their own strength and resilience. Now, the Empowering Affirmations and Sketch journal for Kids provides a safe space for them to engage with affirmations and express their thoughts and feelings. Through this journal, kids can reinforce positive self-beliefs, build self-esteem, and find the courage to speak up for themselves. Positive affirmations help kids realize their worth is not defined by the hurtful words of bullies and empowers them to embrace their unique qualities and stand tall in the face of adversity. Now, in both cases of adults and children, positive affirmations access a powerful antidote to the negative effects of bullying. They serve as a constant reminder that one's worth and potential cannot be diminished by hurtful words or actions of others. By cultivating a positive mindset and nurturing the self-belief through affirmations, both adults and children can overcome the negative impact of bullying. Develop resilience and they can embrace their true selves with confidence. I saw the science experiment once it involved two beautiful roses. Now one rose receives constant streams of positive loving words while the other, well, you can guess it. It receives negative, harmful remarks. Now, as the experiment unfolded, you witnessed the incredible powers of the words and action. The rose exposed to the negativity withered away while the one nurtured by positive, flourished and thrived. Now, this is a powerful demonstration and a reminder of how our words have powers, like we have to be mindful and intentional when we speak, especially when we are in the presence of children. Even when we don't think that they're listening, they're listening to every word we say. It's like sponges, internalizing the messages that they hear. As a parent, I've been pleasantly surprised time and time again when I hear my children's repeat something I've said, I know the audience will agree for those that are parents because, I know that's happened to you. Now, it reminds me of the incredible responsibility that we have, that we must choose words wisely. We must realize that the impact of our words can have on both children and adults alike. You have to be mindful of your speech and foster a positive, uplifting environment. We must create a nurturing space for growth and development. This is definitely a teaching moment for our children to stop the bullying and to shape the self-esteem and confidence and emotional well-beings all around us. Now here we're gonna dive into positive affirmations. I'm going to touch upon the adults first. So the power of positive affirmation for adults. You know, how can positive affirmations benefit adults in their personal and professional lives? That's easy. Positive affirmations empowers adults by shifting their mindset. It boost their self-confidence and manifesting their goals. Now, what are three tips of effectively using positive affirmations as an adult? Well, one is be specific, present using positive language. Then say them out loud. You harness the power of your words and you send your intentions to the universe or the law of attraction, inviting them to bring your desires to fruition. Remember your words have power. Two, repeat them with conviction. Consistently repeating your affirmations multiple times a day and saying them with confidence and belief. And the third one is you connect with positive emotions as you recite your affirmations, tap into the positive emotions associated with your desired outcome. Visualize and feel the joy and gratitude and the confidence that arise from achieving your goals. You know, affirming creates an energetic bond with your affirmations boosting their ability to manifest. Now, on here, as adults, we often prioritize encouraging our children to succeed and uplift them. But hold on, we overlook ourselves. You know, we also need positive affirmations. That's why I created a bilingual positive affirmations journal. It's available in English and Spanish for everyone to experience the transformative benefits. Now, this journal is simple. It doesn't come with specific prompts because you know, sometimes we just need it to be blank because we wanna unwind, we wanna tell our stories, and we wanna embrace our inner power. You know, through the pages of this journal, you'll find a pathway. For empowerment, for love, and for self praise. You know, it's gonna become a place where you can release everything you've been holding inside. You know, you can write your goals, you can write your dreams, your aspirations. You just use your pen and the paper, and you remember the phrase that your words have power. By speaking these affirmations out loud, you're gonna bring positive outcomes. You'll experience a powerful shift. As you witness your desires becoming a reality now, the act of writing and vocalizing your affirmations amplifies their impact, allowing you to tap into your true potential. Now, this journal becomes a catalyst for transformation, reminding you that your words have the power to shape your reality. When you create your words, you're gonna have a positive shift. You're gonna call forth the life that you've envisioned and transform them into reality. Now we're gonna switch to positive affirmation for kids. Now, same question. How can positive affirmations positively impact children's thoughts, their self-esteem, and their self-expression? Positive affirmations offers children a way to develop the positive self beliefs and cultivate self-esteem and express themselves confidently. Now, what are three tips for children to effectively use positive affirmations? Well, as I mentioned before, but one of them is to speak the affirmations aloud with confidence and belief. The second tip is to use the empowering affirmations and sketch journal for kids, using it as a tool for creative expression and affirming their worth. Number three. Encourage children to share their affirmations and celebrate their growth. Now here I want you to remember, I believe you saw it on the news or on Instagram or Facebook, but. I've seen many, many videos of young children looking at themselves in the mirror or walking along, saying positive affirmations of, I'm strong, I'm smart. I can do anything. You know, this really made my day. This is one of the reasons why I created the Empowering Affirmations and Sketch Journal for kids. I made it bilingual in both English and Spanish, so every child can feel positive, especially in any language. Now as we continue with your words have powers, we're gonna touch upon the wisdom of our angels and our guides. Now, how do our angels and guides remind us to use our words wisely? That's simple. They remind us of the power our words hold. They encourage us to choose words that uplift and inspire ourselves and others. Now, why is it important to choose words of positivity and avoid negative self-talk? Simple, negative self-talk and words of limitations hinders our growth and manifestations. Now you may ask, how can changing our mindset and using positive affirmations transforms our lives? Well, the simple. We align ourselves with the vibration of abundance and attract positive experiences, and we create a life of purpose and fulfillment. Now, I bet some of you have said in your lifetime, Oh, I never have enough money or John always is lucky. He always wins, or Jane always wins and I never do. Stop calling this negativity into your life. Instead say, my bank account is overflowing, or I am a money magnet. Or money is attracted to me. The mind uses your voice and creates a picture to go with your words. If you keep repeating of not having enough, you're gonna call it to yourself. Stop it. I am gonna repeat myself again. Say instead, I have money. I attract money to myself. I am successful. I have abundance and prosperity knocking at my door change your mindset of not having enough to having more than enough now. We have discussed the profound impacts that your words have. Remember your words have power. Shift your mindset from a perspective of lack, where you believe there is limited abundance to one of abundance where you recognize there is ample prosperity available to you and you call positivity into your life, which will give your life a shift. You can purchase the journals and books mentioned on the show. Visit or Thank you for listening to this podcast like and subscribe to never miss a show. Leave me a comment if this topic resonated with you and share it with your friends and family. Anita Inspires is inspiring you to be better.

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