Anita Inspires

The Power of Water

β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 8

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We explore the incredible might of water. πŸ’§We see how water can be strong like in hurricanes and tsunamis, but also gentle in cleansing and helping you manifest your goals, dreams, and what you desire. Join us to learn about the magic of water and how it can help you. Subscribe now!

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I have some exciting news to share. My new book, "Gratitude with Grace: Finding Happiness," πŸ“–is set to be released on Saturday, 11/11. This book delves into the transformative power of gratitude and grace, guiding you to a life filled with purpose and joy. But that's not all! If you preorder your book now, fill out the Google form ( in order to get the BONUS Chapter and be entered to win some amazing swag. But hurry, you must preorder your book by Friday, 11/10, to be entered into the giveaway. Don't miss out!πŸ“–πŸŽβœ¨

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Welcome to Anita inspires, this podcast will motivate and inspire you to be better with author and host Anita Fonteboa. Hi everyone. And welcome back. I'm your host, Anita Fonteboa. And in today's topic, we're going to dive into the power of water. What is water? It's such a fascinating topic that most of you know, it can either destroy something or. It actually has a lot of benefits because it also can be used to cleanse and today We're going to be talking about all of that things together and how you can harness the power to manifest your dreams We're going to talk about the incredible force of water Water sometimes is seen as a gentle element of the four elements which are fire earth air and water but you know Water can also be very destructive. Think about Hurricane Katrina or some of the tsunamis that have devastated so many landscapes around the earth. Water in itself can reshape landscapes. and as well, it has such a mighty strength to it. However, it's not just about destruction. We can use that same power to cleanse, to purify, and for manifestations. Hurricanes and tsunamis remind us of the sheer strength that water has, and it's capable of reshaping our world. These natural elements underscore the dual nature, the ability to bring destruction, but at the same time, transformation. We can use water to harness the power that it has in manifestations, in cleansing. I mean, it's so many things that you can use it for your life. Water is not just vital for us humans, but also for plants, for animals, basically for everything that's here on earth. Water is essential. Water holds a great importance in our lives. And I'm going to talk to you about the water. It's power and how you can use it for manifestations. So now we're the power of water for manifestation. You might ask, how can you do that? Well, you know the pattern that water has. It could be very destructive, but at the same time, if you tap into the potential of water and its power, you can transform that into bringing what you desire to life. Now, imagine the simple glass of water. As you can see, I just took a little bit, poured it into a glass. Now, by setting your intentions and infusing the water with your desires, you can activate the power to manifest. You can create the reality by aligning your thoughts, energy, and vibration, and water through this practice. So, I'm just going to set this down. and just put my intentions into it. I am asking for abundance, for prosperity, for luck, for success, all of the things that are of light to come to me. Now, I say thank you, thank you for this glass of water, give it to those who do not have, and then drink it. As such, drinking the water is more than just staying alive. As you drink the water, With your intentions, you're ingesting your aspirations, infusing your body with the energy needed to bring this to fruition. But remember this practice isn't just about setting intentions and sipping the water. It's about belief. It's about gratitude for what you water. It's not just. Staying alive, as you know, you need water to live. You're drinking the waters with the intentions that you're ingesting your aspirations. Infusing the body and the energy needed to bring your manifestations to light. Remember, the practice isn't just about setting the intentions and sipping the water. It's about the belief and the gratitude. You first have to sip it and express your thanks. Gratitude amplifies the power of your intentions and the strength your connections to the energy with the water. the next part of how water also has benefits and you can harness that power. Now, many of you have used sage to cleanse your home, but do you know that you can also use the sage when you boil it into water and clean your whole house with it? Yes, as well as there's a little cinnamon ritual that I like to do at the beginning of each month Which I'm going to discuss as we go along So when you use sage and it's going to infuse it into the water, you're going to take a pot You're going to put your sage in it and you're going to let it come to a boil once you do Take a big bucket pour that water inside put some clear refreshing water so it's kind of like a little bit lukewarm not really cold and Set your intentions into that water. Now, when you set your intentions, you're going to call onto what you want for your entire home. You're going to start from the back of your home all the way to the front of your door. Now, the practice goes beyond the physical realm. This ritual is going to align your intentions with the cleansing energy of the water. You're going to feel the sensations and the signs as you're going to be cleansing it because you're going to probably feel like Goosebumps on your arm or maybe like the back of your hair start to stand up, but when you're cleansing it You're going to set the intentions as I said, but you're also going to say a quick prayer like to call on Saint Michael to help me cleanse my home away of any negative energy or anything that is not of light. So you can do that as well. So when you set your intentions into the sage of the water that's infused, you're going to set that intention and you're going to say that prayer. Please, St. Michael, come along to my house, cleanse all of it, take away any negative energy, any negative things that are not of light out of my home, and you can keep repeating this while you go through each of your bedrooms, your closets, everything inside your house. Once you do, again, you're in your door, make sure that you also cleanse your door. And the next part of that is the cinnamon ritual. On the first of each month, you're gonna take a little bit of cinnamon powder and place it in your hand. Once you do, you're going to stand in front of your door. So you're standing on the outside facing in, and you're going to blow that cinnamon into your home. You're just going to blow it in, and you're going to set your intentions of what you want to call to it. You want to attract the abundance, the prosperity, for this new month, for any changes, or anything that you've been wanting to dream of or manifest. That's the moment that you're going to do it. Because the sweetness of the cinnamon is going to attract it and come to you. And again, set your intentions, say a quick prayer, and let go. Leave it off to the universe to take it, to make it, to come to fruition. So I'm thrilled to announce that my new book, Gratitude with Grace, Finding Happiness, is coming out 11 11. You can get it now. You can pre order my book. For everyone who pre orders my book and fills out the Google form, they will be entered in to win this book here, plus extra swag. In Gratitude with Grace, Finding Happiness, you will begin an inspiring path to transformation and empowerment. This self help book that I created reveals the power of gratitude, intuition, and positive manifestations with insightful wisdom and uplifting quotes. It guides readers towards a life filled with joy. and inner peace. Explore the profound powers of positivity and let this book be your key to a happier and more fulfilling life. But that's not all. For everyone that pre orders my book, my e book, hardcover, or paperback, you're gonna be entered into winning this Gratitude Journal. for, for you. So you can write your own manifestations. But not only that, extra swag that I'm going to include in it. Just fill out the Google form so you can be entered into that drawing to win the extra swag. And that's not all. This shirt and the other shirts that I've worn, Gratitude, you can buy it. Just visit anitafontoboa. com slash shop where you can order my books and you can order the t shirts that I've been wearing. And I hope This enlightens you the power of water and share it with your friends and family if it resonates with you and also leave me a comment. I want to hear from you. Let me know if you have tried any of these things and what the results were for you, especially the cinnamon ritual. I'll catch you in the next video. You can purchase the journals and books mentioned on the show. Visit anita or anita fonta Thank you for listening to this podcast like and subscribe to Never miss a show. Leave me a comment if this topic resonated with you and share it with your friends and family. Anita Inspires is inspiring you to be better.

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